Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Thought for today - Monday, July 14th

Dream about tomorrow, but live for today.

Monday's are always hard for me. As it is the beginning of the work week (for me it is my husband leaving me with two kids and most of the time they are screaming at the same time). I seem to want to start completing everything on my to do list NOW or wanting to escape (where can I find a sitter :)). Instead, I need to remember to take time for the hug from my husband and kids. Enjoy the quality time watching Curious George or rocking one to sleep. Enjoy the silence. Enjoy the laughter. Or best yet, enjoy the asking for mommy. There will be a time when they want nothing to do with me.

Embrace your life and enjoy it the moment.

1 comment:

Christi said...

Awww. That made me tear up. I try really hard to remember to cherish Chloe being so little and needy. Your post was an encouragement!